Who are you?
Show Me Thy Way Ministry is the proud parent company of Heaven Sent Pictures, founded in the perfect will of God in the year of 2005. With a realization for a need outside the framework of organized religion, still endorsing every word found in the KJV bible, knowledge is given unto man through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost - sanctified by the Three-Person Trinity of God. SMTW Ministry is simplistic in Christianity and without influence of things outside the realm of God.
What is the objective of Show Me Thy Way?
Whether it’s one soul at a time, or by thousands, it is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and evangelize the world, as the Holy Ghost quickens all believers.
Is religion all basically the same?
No. Throughout time false prophets have started religions of idol worship and ruined the witness for millions to come to Christ. As sinners, anybody can receive a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved or born-again that leads to eternal life. Speak the sinner’s prayer to Jesus (no middleman required), repenting of sin and asking God’s forgiveness: believing the Gospel of His death, burial, and resurrection to receive the Holy Ghost, abiding by believer’s baptism to follow the Lord the rest of your life.
Why is everything so confusing?
False prophets and their different religions are confusing. After conviction and conversion, Believers follow Jesus and give up sinning. There’s no other way into the Kingdom. Faith comes by reading and hearing the Word of God.
How do I have a relationship with God?
Each individual must ask, seek, and knock, in order to build a passion and thirst for God’s Holy Word to develop a relationship with Jesus. By doing so, a love for God begins to grow inside you through willful participation and fervent effort.