We are God’s treasure among all the beauty He created on Earth and surrounded us with, giving each person a precious life to seek Him and accept Jesus as the Cross of salvation. Our treasure on Earth and in Heaven is in the hands of the Lord, a gift from Jesus of eternal life for those that receive Him. The treasure of God’s love and His Words is found in the Bible, giving us an opportunity to establish a personal relationship with Him on His throne in Heaven and at the footstool of this world.
In all the universe God has picked His crown of glory to be here, and store His treasure on Earth in the multitudes of souls He has created. Believers are selected to serve in His Kingdom to the extent of their service performed here on Earth. Our treasure is mutually founded in the Lord Jesus Christ and God’s Holy Word of the Bible. We stand firm in our guard over scripture, that no one changes a jot or tittle, nor adds anything to or takes away from that which God has assigned in us as His treasure.